Stay on top of your health with your personalized care and comfort today

According to the Avon Town Profile 2019 data, adults and seniors aged 45-64 account for 31% of Avon’s town population. And because of this, we saw an increasing opportunity for the care and support needed in the community.

Our mission is to provide affordable and convenient care to adults and seniors who need someone to care for their safety and independence at home. Home care services have been proven to provide primary care and support for those who wish to age in place and recover from their illness or injuries.

We encourage ensuring home safety, health, and wellness to minimize the cost of out-of-pocket doctor’s care. And with our daily care, we help prevent you from going to a hospital that requires you to pay for pricey medical services.

Schedule your assessment with us at your most convenient time, and let’s discuss how we can better ensure your home care needs today.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide our clients with affordable, convenient, quality, safe, comfortable, and personalized excellent care.

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to become one of the trusted home care providers in the Avon community, supporting families and individuals with their everyday quality of life.

Take the first step in ensuring a personalized level of care by scheduling your assessment now.